DIY: Dream Board

With all of the distractions that we're faced with every day, it's easy to lose sight of what matters most. To regain focus, align your goals, and have a little fun, follow this simple guide to create a DIY Dream Board, the perfect craft for any age. Dream boards are fantastic tools to get inspired and focused on what you truly want in your life!  By placing a visual representation to your heart’s desires, you are reminded of where you want to focus your energy.The more you envision your dreams, goals, and intentions, the more they become present in your reality.

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Mika's March Mandalas

Have you ever had one of those days where all you need is to zen out, but for one reason or another yoga isn’t an option? Well, mandalas provide another great way  to find the serenity that you need.

Loosely translated, mandala is sanskrit for β€œcircle”. It has a concentric circle with repeating designs. These beautiful and simple works of art offer beneficial balancing visual elements, which symbolize harmony and unity.

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