Gratitude Practice <3

Gratitude Practice <3

It is inevitable that there will be times in our lives when we feel we are going through it, having a rough one, or need to calm down the chatter of the mind. A great way to make these times a touch easier is with a gratitude practice! 

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Monday Mantra: I am blessed

Thanksgiving Day in the United States is fast approaching. Thanksgiving comes at the wrap of harvest season, when the months of hard work caring for crops comes to a close, and special appreciation is given to the land and labor put into the bounty. Since many of us do not work the land, we may have lost touch with what this time of year was for, our harvest. Here at Mika, we believe in checking in regularly about what we are thankful for, but this week is a great reminder to give a little extra recognition to all that is good in our lives. We are aware that not everyone has the same looking Thanksgiving Day, but we encourage you to make that day what giving thanks means to you. Some ideas for this are:

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